New Election of Officers
The Cobh & Harbour Chamber are pleased to introduce Toddy Stafford as our newly appointed President and Colin Morehead as our newly appointed Vice-President.
At our AGM, Toddy received the chain of office from the outgoing President, Johanna Murphy, who extended her best wishes for his new position. A message from Toddy “I look forward to my tenure as President of Cobh and Harbour Chamber and with the support and co-operation of all members I will strive to ensure a more enhanced sustainable economy inclusive of our whole community. I want to build on the Cobh and Harbour brand with the clear message that we are in Business for Business so that everyone can benefit.”
Johanna is delighted to step into her new role as Chair of the Energy Committee, where the focus will be on supporting the Chamber and its members’ interests in the development of Cork Harbour’s Energy Industry. In addition, the hospitality sector, retail sector and infrastructure will be areas of significant importance that we will be working on for Chamber members and our wider community.