Seafarer’s Conference

Seafarer’s Conference

Energy & Infrastructure Committee Chair, Johanna Murphy, recently attended the Seafarer's Conference which is hosted by our members NMCI and sponsored by our members Simply Blue Group. The atmosphere in the room was one of determination, reality and a pressing need to become Net Zero by 2050. 

DECC spoke about the planned led approach regarding the D Map which is due for public consultation in March of this year. Eirgrid spoke about how they are a critical piece of infrastructure to cater for the increasing demand of electricity within our expanding economy.

The benefits that we as a country can gain from becoming Net Zero is Energy Security, Energy Affordability and Enhanced development of Communities. With all benefits comes challenges such as planning, funding and community engagement which needs to be constant, all of which are being actively worked upon.

One of the conversations was what to do with all our green energy when produced? It has to be used for domestic demand, all indigenous companies and foreign investment developments must also be encouraged to use green energy, and then the excess can be exported as a valuable commodity.